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Workshop demonstrates increased awareness of mangroves

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Mangroves are an important habitat for many species of flora and wildlife and provide protection from the rising sea. They also store more carbon than typical tropical forests do as an ecosystem. Mangrove forests are, however, in danger because of other pollution, rising sea levels, and climate change.

A Mangrove Design Thinking Workshop sponsored by the Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) on April 6 revealed that more and more individuals are beginning to understand the significance of mangroves.

It was the goal of the first Mangrove Design Thinking Workshop in Asewa Otono to develop original solutions. The facilitator for design thinking was Monique Pool. The objective of the workshop was to offer prototypes of solutions to issues involving mangroves. To develop strategies for the protection of mangroves as a group, volunteers in the age range of 15 to 29 were gathered.

Teams Akira and Pro Mangrove exhibited prototypes to stop the flow of plastic waste into the ocean. Team Man Grow suggested appointing climate representatives in schools, and the Mangrove Warriors created a game.

The workshop went off without a hitch.

The teams will get the chance to submit their work to a group of individuals with professional experience in mangroves on April 14. The pupils might be able to put their brilliant ideas into practice in this way.






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HomeEngelsWorkshop demonstrates increased awareness of mangroves