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What?: Building and Habitation

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 I was very shocked to read the article Commotion around construction and habitation of August 28, 2022. The author talks about Land Rent and Leasehold, but I think owners of Property plots also have to deal with this subject. Indeed, residents in the various neighborhoods are confronted with industrial activities in which chemical fumes are often emitted by means of extraction fans (perhaps also odourless).

It will happen to you that the neighbor starts, for example, a car paint shop. Although your home is sealed all day long, the vapor still enters the house through seams. Those who develop the activities often show by their behavior that they don’t care about the local residents. Some operators are so criminal that the company building is designed in such a way that it has an innocent appearance.

Many, like me, will now understand why the police and District Commissioners don’t lift a finger after filing a complaint.





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HomeEngelsWhat?: Building and Habitation