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West Suriname’s bauxite reserves are being developed

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President Chandrikapersad Santokhi launched the presidential group on August 8 with the goal of securing investments for the development of the West Suriname Bakhuis bauxite reserves. So long as the most value is extracted from these reserves, she will be participating in the development of the bauxite reserves in West Suriname. Representatives from the Ministries of Natural Resources (NH), Public Works (OW), and Spatial Planning and the Environment (ROM), as well as various professionals, make up the nine-month-long group.

Group chairman Amrish Lachman indicates that a process must be followed in search of investors who want to achieve this maximum benefit. The Ministry of Education has a seat on the committee because of its experience in attracting international partners for large-scale infrastructure works. The Ministry of ROM chairs the cluster team of ministers in matters concerning the Alcoa-Suralco Steering Group.

“There is little time and a lot to do,” says the chairman. “Fortunately, a lot of information is already available from, for example, the latest research by Billiton in 2006-2007, but times have changed somewhat,” says Lachman. The chairman hinted that the insights of the current government are aimed at maintaining Suriname’s carbon negative status. “All this must be taken into consideration so that a balanced concept is created that can be presented to investors,” explains the chairman.

The specialists recruited in the group are pleased that their knowledge and experience is being used and not wasted. They do state that they have a very challenging task ahead of them.





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HomeEngelsWest Suriname's bauxite reserves are being developed