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We have already passed the deep valley, according to President Santokhi

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Strengere anticorruptiemaatregelen op komst in Suriname

De Surinaamse Anticorruptiewet uit 2017 wordt aangepast. Dit maakte minister Kenneth Amoksi van Justitie en Politie (Juspol) vandaag bekend tijdens de persconferentie van de Regeringsraadsvergadering ...

A Christmas service was held at the Cathedral Basilica, as it is every year, for the holiday season. The birth of their messiah is commemorated on this day by followers of Jesus Christ. The church was full. Attending the service were other people wearing red and white attire. First Lady Melissa Santokhi and President Chan Santokhi both attended.

President Santokhi assured the media that things would go well. “We have already climbed out of the steep valley and are now approaching the stable phase. Have faith in our ability to succeed. I now wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.”

Santokhi claims that he goes to the service every Christmas season. “It’s necessary to be here, and the first lady and I are here in my other capacity as president. After getting a blessing from the bishop of Paramaribo, Karel Choennie, he added, “We have to pray a lot, we also need the blessing of our Creator, and prayer helps.”

The year will end in a few days, according to the president. For him, the true meaning of Christmas is hope and faith, especially during difficult times. People occasionally risk losing hope and faith as a result of crises because of the numerous issues, but Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ.

“Christmas also symbolizes your connection to the Creator. Where there is a little skepticism, now is the opportunity to restore optimism. To restore hope, let’s pray together,” the president added. In order to make the coming year better with the help of our Creator, he also taught us to pray and work as a country together.







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HomeEngelsWe have already passed the deep valley, according to President Santokhi