The Festival of Sacrifice, also known as Eid Ul Adha, falls on June 29 this year. The event honors the prophet Abraham (also known as Ibrahim), who gave his son in sacrifice to his Creator. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every Muslim who is physically and financially capable must perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Muslims are urged to emulate Prophet Abraham and Ishmael and to be ready to accomplish whatever the Creator asks of them by observing the Feast of Sacrifice. Muslims who can do so sacrifice an animal on Eid ul Adha to honor Prophet Abraham and his family’s merits. The meat is distributed among the poor, the sick, and friends, as an actual offering for charity.
Translated into daily practice, it means: paying the poor tax, helping your fellow man, being good to your neighbours, assisting people in need. In short, it is not just about sacrificing an animal, but it is about becoming a better person through all sacrifices in order to be of service to country and people. Sacrifice shows a strong, everlasting and inspiring tradition of true vitality of your faith, love, sincerity, obedience and humility towards Allah, which should be the ultimate aspiration of every human being.
We are now experiencing difficult times of a financial and economic crisis in our country. The crisis has a huge impact on the life of society. But the VHP is convinced that the Feast of Sacrifice will inspire us to work on promoting the well-being and prosperity of our society. We face great challenges, by working hard we will overcome those challenges. Our economy needs to be made healthy again. The Feast of Sacrifice is a good opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices we must make to get the country back on track. Let’s make a better Suriname together, let’s save Suriname together. The VHP has been making sacrifices for country and people for 74 years. It will continue to fight for the prosperity and well-being of the people. The VHP wishes the entire nation, but especially our Muslim brothers and sisters, a blessed Eid Ul Adha, with much spiritual strength, blessing, and protection from the Almighty. Eid Mubarak.