Millions of people around the world celebrate the biggest Christian holiday of the year. In (night) services believers come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is also a family celebration with good food, a decorated tree, lots of light, sometimes presents, but above all a lot of fun and love for fellow human beings.
However, the deeper meaning of Christmas is the victory of light over darkness, or the victory of good over evil. According to Christian belief, Christ came to earth to redeem mankind from its debts. The birthday of Christ is therefore seen as the beginning of redemption.
Christmas brings us closer together as people. We show gratitude by giving gifts and doing fun things with the people we love. For the past 2 years, due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, we have had to celebrate Christmas in a closed circle. Fortunately, this year there is once again the opportunity to do it a little more lavishly.
Unfortunately, not everyone is able to celebrate Christmas exuberantly. Some of us may be going through a difficult period because of illness, the loss of a loved one or perhaps because of loneliness. Others are struggling financially because of the difficult period we are going through as a country.
It is the task of all of us during this special period to pay extra attention to the people around us who are having a hard time. Let us all take on the collective and individual task of supporting our fellow human beings in need. After all, this is the deeper message behind Christmas.
The VHP is convinced that the light will eventually conquer the dark. We therefore ask you not to lose hope. After all, that is also the message that the coming of Jesus Christ to earth has brought to us as human beings. We also ask you if you have the opportunity to give extra to others this Christmas. Be generous and forgiving and also visit those you have not visited for a long time or who are alone. Be the light in your area for others who need it.
The VHP wishes you all a blessed Christmas and a happy ending.