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Today is the third day of AZP action

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Politie ontmaskert diefstal van houten boot in Albina

In Albina zijn drie verdachten in verband gebracht met de diefstal van een grote houten boot beladen met waardevolle goederen. De politie ontdekte een geheime opslagplaats waar een deel van ...

The Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP) personnel is taking action since the hospital staff has still not received their 8% pay raise. In an interview with the media, Bond Chairman Lloyd Pool claims that although payments have always been promised, they have not yet materialized. There are still open grants.

On Wednesday, the personnel acted on their own initiative. In order to learn when the 8% will be paid, nurses and physicians went to the board’s office. The union has assumed control of this worker action. On Thursday, there were protests once more. The staff is unhappy because it has always relied on words while the value of the money declines daily.

According to Pool, the board pledged to pay out the money the following week. The union head declares, “We demand certainty. Today, the activities continue. Following the signing of the attendance list by the staff, a meeting is held. The union won’t accept empty promises.

A growing number of medical professionals, including nurses, technicians, and doctors, are emigrating from Suriname in search of better opportunities. The AZP suffers from a severe scarcity of hospital supplies, technology, and staff, much like other hospitals do. Healthcare suffers as a result of all this.





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HomeEngelsToday is the third day of AZP action