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To request a wage raise, Minister Mathoera directs the soldiers to the President

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At a general members meeting (GMM) today, the Association for Legal Status of the Military (VRM) will update its members on the interaction it had with Defense Minister Krishna Mathoera on November 8. Several chokepoints were brought up during the conversation. The VRM is asking for a 150 percent pay raise. The union was directed to President Chan Santokhi for this, nonetheless, by the ministry.

It was discovered that nearly every health insurance card, including the commander’s, had expired. The minister had earlier stated that the military’s medical facilities will be finished no later than the end of October. After several days had gone with no response, the union rang the bell once more. The minister stated during a recent meeting with the VRM that the employees will get their premium health insurance cards in two weeks.

The union has written nine letters to the minister, according to VRM Chairman Rodney Cairo in an interview. She didn’t get a response until the final letter, when the group threatened to act. The minister replied to the chairman the following day, confirming that she had received the last two letters. The VRM was requested to have a conversation in the letter.





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HomeEngelsTo request a wage raise, Minister Mathoera directs the soldiers to the President