woensdag 12 februari 2025
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There is absolutely no tension, or else I would drive him away

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Politiebureau Nieuwe Haven krijgt naam van wijlen inspecteur...

Ter ere van inspecteur Herman Gooding zal politiebureau Nieuwe Haven zijn naam dragen, zo heeft minister Kenneth Amoksi van Justitie en Politie bekendgemaakt. Gooding werd in 1990 doodgeschoten aan de...

Prior to the commencement of the Council of Ministers (RvM), vice president Ronnie Brunswijk made the announcement that Minister Albert Jubithana of Transport, Communication, and Tourism (TCT) will step down as of August 1. The minister has stated his desire to leave for private reasons. According to Brunswijk, the president has now received a letter and will take new action on August 1.

Contradictions between the vice president and the minister are untrue. According to Brunswijk, there is no stress at all; otherwise, he would have driven the man away by himself. According to Brunwijk, if a minister does not handle matters properly, he will be called to account, but that has nothing to do with enmity.

Humphrey Dundas, Director of Public Communication, indicated that the Minister of TCT will soon give a press conference about his decision. “It is not the case that it would concern the incidents in Para. It’s personal reasons.”




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HomeEngelsThere is absolutely no tension, or else I would drive him away