vrijdag 17 januari 2025
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1.5 C

The Wanica district will be developed

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On Tuesday, December 13, 2022, President Chandrikapersad Santokhi sent out a support team to help the Wanica district’s pre-existing structures carry out their goals. This group will create plans with the work arms, oversee their implementation, assess it, and make adjustments as needed. They will do this by holding regular meetings and conducting field orientations.

In this approach, issues are dealt with effectively and efficiently by a team that includes representatives from the community and all stakeholders. Additionally, it anticipates assistance from the corporate sector. Therefore, District Wanica will grow. This government also wants to improve living conditions and quality of life for the citizens of the nation and the people.

According to President Santokhi, he anticipates seeing immediate results and regular reports to see where policy adjustments may be necessary to address the challenges more swiftly.





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HomeEngelsThe Wanica district will be developed