zondag 19 januari 2025
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The president talks about the CFAFT procedure

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Gimena van der Gen, secretaris-generaal van Justitie op Curaçao, heeft op woensdag 15 januari 2025 een bezoek gebracht aan de hoofdkazerne van het Korps Brandweer Suriname. Dit bezoek maakt deel uit v...

President Chan Santokhi places a high premium on the response to the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF) conclusions. On Friday, he met with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and the National Anti-Money Laundering Commission (NAMLAC). The evaluation of Suriname has been closely examined. The president had stated in the National Assembly the day before that serious efforts will be taken to address the found deficiencies.

It is necessary to implement several laws to combat money laundering, financing of terrorism, and the financing of arms and ammunition. Roy Baidjnath Panday, the PIU coordinator, announces via the Suriname Communication Service that the CFATF has given recommendations regarding what Suriname still needs to address in this regard.

In terms of regulation and oversight, Suriname has a lot of work to do. The following nation report is due in November of next year. In order to present the actions taken to improve and the outcomes obtained, this time to the Financial Action Task Force as a global organization, Suriname will then need to be able to.




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HomeEngelsThe president talks about the CFAFT procedure