The Chinese president Xi Jinping will meet with President Chan Santokhi, who says he is prepared for the meeting. “I am prepared for bilateral discussions between two presidents to strengthen cooperation in all fields.” At the Chinese New Year festivities, Sang and Chung Fa Foei Kon were there.
The president of state expressed his appreciation for the associations’ service to the Suriname community in front of Chinese ambassador Han Jing. The ambassador expressed his commitment to improving ties between China and Suriname. The president mentioned that a meeting with President Xi Jinping was anticipated at the G20 summit in Bali in November of the previous year. But as a result of domestic events, President Santokhi stopped traveling.
Pick Fung Chong, the just sworn-in ambassador of Suriname to the People’s Republic of China, is about to go for work. With the addition of the new diplomat, Santokhi is confident that bilateral collaboration will become even stronger. The main focus will be on strengthening relationships that benefit both parties, such as those that are advantageous to trade, the economy, and humanitarian relations. The president acknowledged the Chinese organisations’ contributions to Surinamese society. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Kong Ngie Tong Sang was involved, contributing protective gear and helping to translate official information into Chinese.
One of the most significant holidays for Chinese people around the world is Chinese New Year. As part of this year’s anniversary celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Hindu immigration and the 160th anniversary of Keti Koti, the head of state has requested both organisations to support the magnificent celebration of 170 years of Chinese immigration. The president established a national committee last year specifically to plan these joint jubilee celebrations. The chief of state claims that the Chinese population has now assimilated into the Surinamese bromki dyari (flower garden).