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The President addresses businesses in New York

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President Chan Santokhi has arrived in New York. He’ll take part in the General Assembly of the UN. A thorough schedule that includes bilateral talks as well as trade and investment restrictions will also be finished. The G77+China conference in Havana, which the president attended, closed with a unified declaration.

The president addressed a group of more than 60 businessmen of Surinamese heritage in New York shortly after arriving to discuss investments in Suriname.

The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implementation of Agenda 2030 will be the key topics of discussion at the UN General Assembly. In his traditional speech to the UN General Assembly, President Santokhi will focus mainly on climate change, in particular on finding new financing mechanisms and addressing new aspects thereof, the Suriname Communications Service reports.

Santokhi will speak at various summits, including the SDG Summit. The head of state will also participate in a meeting on the situation in Haiti. This meeting is chaired by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Discussions with the presidents of Serbia and South Korea are also on the agenda.

Minister Albert Ramdin of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation will hold bilateral meetings with counterparts from Guyana, Panama, Bhutan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Poland and the Netherlands, among others.






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HomeEngelsThe President addresses businesses in New York