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The NDP party inquires about immigration law

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The NDP faction in the National Assembly tabled an interpellation proposal yesterday regarding this administration’s immigration policies and associated issues. They take into account, among other things, the possibility that activists, political dissidents, cynical people, and government employees are subject to the arbitrary application of applicable laws. “Government activities can take obscene forms that violate present law, as in this instance when an activist was deported through our neighboring nation. At least two EU nations are upset about this government action. On this problem, transparency is inadequate. Government policy makes sure that critical citizens are routinely silenced and that the security problems we currently have keep getting worse. The rule of law has been deeply affected by, among other things, the above and society is plunged into enormous fear and unrest.”

The NDP parliamentary group asks that the government informs the National Assembly as fully and transparently as possible about the procedures followed to deport non-residents in this case. “The foreign and migration policy with regard to foreigners and the Surinamese diaspora. The protection of the rule of law and citizens as well as the enforcement and compliance with national laws and treaties. The protection of the right to free speech,” said the NDP group.



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HomeEngelsThe NDP party inquires about immigration law