maandag 9 september 2024
27 C
15 C

The NDP group wants a meeting on the surge of immigrants

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A public meeting has been requested by a faction of the National Democratic Party (NDP) to discuss the alarming influx of undocumented immigrants into Suriname. “We’ve learned that these foreign nationals frequently enter the country illegally, according to information. In a letter to Assembly Chairman Marinus Bee, the Assembly members warn that as a result, both the security of our nation and its residents could be significantly jeopardized.

In reaction to recent troubling occurrences involving this group of non-residents, a meeting has been requested. They go in great numbers to Suriname without the required travel documents, and some even leave the country once they arrive.

The Assembly members believe that there is a very significant risk of potential people smuggling, which might hurt Suriname on a global scale. “This group of travelers’ destination countries have even written to our authorities about it.”

The NDP faction believes it is preferable for the government to brief the parliament on this development and its foreign policy in full.






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HomeEngelsThe NDP group wants a meeting on the surge of immigrants