Recently, the administration has prioritized national security. The National Strategic and Security Plan working committee delivered the National Security Plan to President Chandrikapersad Santokhi earlier this year during the Security Conference. This paper, according to Defense Minister Krishnakoemarie Mathoera, is crucial. According to her, a number of ministries and authorities are involved.
The minister underlines how safety has expanded significantly over time. Aspects that have been introduced and that must be considered include dealing with climate change, constructing in accordance with permission requirements, anti-money laundering, food and economic security, and how to handle chemicals and the environment. The defense minister insisted that there must be guidelines for all of this.
She says the national commission has mapped and prioritized all of these issues. President Santokhi has asked all ministers with security in their portfolios to incorporate the document into their own security plan, prepare and implement action accordingly. For the Ministry of Defense, this department will examine how, among other things, to improve border control and what security planning can be made for the coming years.
Minister Mathoera also adds matters such as safety around schools, safety in health care, public order disturbance and crime. “These are all themes that are included in the security plan and where we as ministers and government have a duty to incorporate it into our policy plan, formulate actions based on it and thus contribute to a safe society.”