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The government increases disability benefits to SRD 3,550

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A decision to enhance the benefit for people with disabilities has been made following discussions between President Chandrikapersad Santokhi, Minister Ramsaran of Social Affairs and Housing, and Aniel Koendjbiharie, chairman of the Wan Okasi Foundation.

Following the consultation, it was determined that people with disabilities will start receiving SRD 1,800 more in benefits, bringing their total to SRD 3,550, starting at the end of January 2023. The charity had sent a petition to DNA and the President’s Cabinet on December 8, 2022. The target group’s issues with transportation and financial benefits were highlighted. The amount of financial aid had already been raised to SRD 750.Then to SRD 1,750 and now to SRD 3,550.


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HomeEngelsThe government increases disability benefits to SRD 3,550