vrijdag 19 april 2024
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The administration anticipates receiving 19.5 million euros back right now

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Surinaamse ambassadeur bespreekt urgenties met Wereldhandels...

Aroen Jadoenathmisier, de Permanente Vertegenwoordiger van Suriname in Genève, heeft onlangs zijn geloofsbrieven overhandigd aan Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, de directeur-generaal van de Wereldhandelsorganisa...

The Amsterdam court’s ruling that the 19.5 million euros must be restored to the Surinamese banks has been welcomed with great enthusiasm by the government. The administration anticipates a speedy resolution of this issue and the real repatriation of the funds. According to Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and International Cooperation Albert Ramdin.

The money will be returned, which will increase bank stability and maybe have a positive impact on exchange rates. In any event, there will be more foreign cash available. Ramdin insists that the formal method must be used as quickly as possible to end this episode.

The lower court today determined that Suriname’s complaint was well-founded after the Supreme Court sent this case back to it. The minister also mentioned frequent consultations with the government and strong coordination amongst diverse parties. “We are happy that the decision has been made. This will ultimately result in the removal of the attachment and the money being returned “.




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HomeEngelsThe administration anticipates receiving 19.5 million euros back right now