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SVZ staff threatens to take action regarding bridging allowance

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Waiting for the payment of a bridging allowance has grown tiresome for the personnel at the Sint Vincentius Hospital (SVZ). Amar Ramadhin, the minister of health, has promised them such since March of this year. The Bond Staff Sint Vincentius Hospital has held discussions on this. However, the money has still not been made after over four months.

The fact that the personnel of the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP) received their salary yesterday but the SZV did not is what finally broke the camel’s back. This is a temporary concession, according to Engracia Watson, the second secretary of the union’s board, until the new salary range is established. It has been agreed that SRD 2,500 will be paid until the new wages are determined. Watson argues that there is always a different excuse about why payment is not made. For example, all the paperwork would already be in order and the payment only had to be made through finances.

If no progress is made between now and Monday, an action model will be rolled out. The staff will work until 11 a.m. on Monday, until 10 a.m. on Tuesday and a tightening will follow on Wednesday if nothing has changed in the situation. Watson emphasizes that the staff does not wish to disadvantage the care, but that a tightening of actions is necessary if the agreements are not fulfilled.




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HomeEngelsSVZ staff threatens to take action regarding bridging allowance