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Suriname’s National Digital plan seeks to foster inclusivity and technology

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President Chan Santokhi has been given a copy of the National Digital Strategy 2023–2030 paper created by the e-Gov Presidential Working Group in conjunction with the UNDP. On September 1, 2023, in front of all parties involved, Gerardo Noto, resident representative of the UNDP, and Prewien Ramadhin, acting director of e-Gov, presented the paper to the president of state. This took place in the Hotel Torarica’s ballroom.

The national digital strategy 2023–2030 is a commitment to the future that Suriname envisions, according to President Santokhi. “Together, we will use technology to build a stronger Suriname, ready to seize the opportunities of the digital age,” the head of state said.

“This strategy represents a collective effort to shape a better future for all Surinamese citizens.” According to the head of state, the result is a document that not only outlines the ambitions, but also propels Suriname towards a future of innovation, inclusiveness and progress.

This strategy will help Suriname become a more connected, inclusive and innovative country over the next eight years. It provides a digital landscape in which citizens have access to information and services at their fingertips.

“Where companies thrive in a system of digital entrepreneurship, and where the government operates with greater transparency and efficiency. We will witness the expansion of digital connectivity,” said President Santokhi. He argues that technology can be a powerful catalyst for change and calls on everyone to embrace its transformative power, “for the betterment of the people and the advancement of the nation.”

According to him, the digital strategy should ensure that no one is left behind on the journey to technological amplification. The education, agriculture, oil and gas sector and all other sectors will be made strong to embrace technology. Government services will be made more accessible and transparent through digital solutions. This will not only improve citizens’ quality of life, but also strengthen trust between government and society. The head of state also named the challenges. The issues of cyber security, data protection and digital illiteracy need to be addressed, he said.

“The journey to bring this strategy to life has been one of collaboration and determination, involving the public sector and private sector stakeholders,” said Acting Director Ramadhin. The process started with workshops and with the statement: “The future is digital”. According to him, this strategy aims at a Suriname where digital enhancement is not a privilege, but a right of every citizen.

“It is the blueprint for a country where public services are a few clicks away, where education transcends physical boundaries, and where economic growth is driven by digital innovation.” In a world increasingly defined by technology, this strategy is proof of commitment to embrace the digital future, the official sa








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HomeEngelsSuriname's National Digital plan seeks to foster inclusivity and technology