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Suriname intensifies partnership with Serbia

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From July 23 to July 25, 2023, a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business, and International Cooperation (BIBIS), led by Minister Albert Ramdin, conducted an official visit to the Republic of Serbia. The major objective was to assess the level of current cooperation and any expected future development and expansion of the partnership.

Along with a special meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic, Minister Ramdin had fruitful discussions with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic, Science, Technology, Development, and Innovation Minister Jelena Begovic, Chamber of Commerce President Milun Trivunac’s advisor, and Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic.

During the various talks, views were exchanged on the further development of the traditionally friendly relations between Serbia and Suriname and the improvement of overall bilateral cooperation. In addition to the current cooperation in various areas, mutual proposals have also been made for stronger cooperation in other areas, such as health, ICT, education, sports, the agricultural sector and the processing of round wood into semi- or end products.

Suriname has recognized the territorial integrity of Serbia, demonstrating its respect for the fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and its commitment to world peace. It has been agreed that the functional cooperation will be expanded and that work will be done on a concrete list of activities for follow-up and a second Road Map for the cooperation 2024-2028.

It was confirmed by both foreign ministers that the presidents of both countries will meet in September at the United Nations General Assembly. In addition to the formal meetings, Minister Ramdin also had constructive talks with the Surinamese students in Serbia. Various points of attention were raised by the students, and proposals were made about how they can be better supported by the State of Suriname. The minister has promised to take the points for attention mentioned seriously and to work towards suitable solutions as soon as possible.






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