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Suriname and IDB work together on sustainable capacity development

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Stanley Raghoebarsing, the minister of finance and planning, met with Tariq Alli, the general manager of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)’s Caribbean Country Department, on a one-on-one basis. The partnership between Suriname and the bank has been considered by the officials. Four donations and fourteen loans are available to Suriname for use in sustainable projects. Following the meeting, the officials held a news conference at the ministry to go through various facets of the partnership.

Minister Raghoebarsing hinted at the press conference that he had an excellent meeting with IDB official Alli. The minister notes that Suriname has had good cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank since 1985. “The IDB supports Suriname in many ways. There are fourteen projects financed by the financial institution. The IDB comes in with funding of more than USD 375 million and there are also donations of more than USD 8.5 million,” said the finance minister. He indicates that the projects have been evaluated and agreements have been made on how the projects can be carried out more efficiently and effectively.

Suriname and the IDB believe that the development of Suriname is not only a matter of money. “Money is important, but it’s about the development vision. The IDB’s policy also has the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a foundation, which is extremely positive.” Minister Raghoebarsing indicates that investments are being made in governance, capacity and reconstruction of production. The IDB agenda that is run together with Suriname is integrated and aligned with the IMF program.

The finance minister has revealed that a USD 10 million project is being prepared to strengthen the National Development Bank (NOB). “There is a USD 30 million program being prepared by the Ministry of Spatial Planning and the Environment. The PURP program is also being expanded.” The minister says that the IDB has been asked to support Suriname in particular with accelerated capacity development. According to him, it is important to build the institutions sustainably.

General manager Alli notes that the IDB has good cooperation with Suriname. “In addition to working with the government, we will also support the private sector in Suriname.” He says he has had discussions with representatives of the business community and that he is impressed by how the SDGs have been integrated into business operations. According to him, Surinamese companies have a full partner in IDB to increase sustainable impact in the country.






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HomeEngelsSuriname and IDB work together on sustainable capacity development