maandag 17 februari 2025
23 C
-2.1 C

Support at the end of October from SRD 350 to SRD 1,250

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Dodelijk bromfietsongeluk aan de Martin Luther Kingweg

Een tragisch verkeersongeval heeft vrijdagavond het leven geëist van een bromfietser aan de Martin Luther Kingweg. Bij de aanrijding waren drie bromfietsers betrokken, van wie er één ter plaatse overl...

It has been approved by the government to increase the benefit of social security beneficiaries from SRD 350 to SRD 1,250. This will take effect at the end of October. Minister Bronto Somohardjo of the Interior has argued for this within the Council of Ministers.

It involves an increase of SRD 900, which is almost a 360% increase. Somohardjo realizes that this is a drop in the ocean for people, but at the same time guarantees the people who receive benefits an increase again if the financial space allows it.

Social assistance is a benefit for people who have worked for the government, but are not entitled to a pension. This concerns, among other things:

1) cleaning ladies and guards who do not have full day jobs,

2) civil servants who left the service at the age of 60, with a minimum period of service of 5 years,

3) civil servants who have left before the age of 60 with a minimum period of service of 10 years and

4) civil servants who have never had a permanent contract.

By raising the amount for benefit recipients, this has come in line with the payment from the General Old Age Provision.





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HomeEngelsSupport at the end of October from SRD 350 to SRD 1,250