The government has decided to convert from object subsidy to subject subsidy in the interest of fostering a robust economy. This implies that fuel and 6power subsidies will gradually end.
Households that qualify for the relevant subsidies will be registered prior to their phase-out. The cap has been set at SRD 6,000 net income per household for urban regions (inside Paramaribo and Wanica). The ceiling for places outside of Paramaribo, Wanica, and the interior is set at SRD 4,500 in net income. In other words, persons with net incomes below the aforementioned amount are qualified for the subject subsidy. Due to the benefit in urban areas, weak households in the interior will receive more money. Seniors who successfully complete a selection process additionally get a one-time reward of SRD 1000. The government has already provided financial resources for this purpose.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing is responsible for putting all of these initiatives into action. For qualifying citizens, subsidies will be paid on fuel, electricity, cooking gas, basic needs, transportation, and medical care. Its requirements and registration locations will soon be made public. This government decision is being supported by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) with both technical and financial resources.