dinsdag 3 december 2024
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6.3 C

Students from O.S. Gijsbertusschool look around the hydroponic greenhouse at LVV

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The hydroponic greenhouse of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) was visited by 100 children from the Public School Gijsbertusschool. ‘Plants’ was the second quarter’s focus for the year 1 and year 2 children, according to the school’s curriculum.

In order for the kids to actually experience the agricultural process, the school administration requested a tour from the LVV Directorate for Agriculture, Research, Sales, and Processing. The pupils gained an understanding of what a hydroponic greenhouse is, how to grow plants in one, and that agricultural innovation has moved beyond simply growing things in the ground. The children were allowed to sow the seeds of peppers in a seed tray.



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HomeEngelsStudents from O.S. Gijsbertusschool look around the hydroponic greenhouse at LVV