vrijdag 20 september 2024
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Staff departs, but’s Lands Hospital doesn’t remain still

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More hospital employees will be gone in 2022 than in prior years. Among others, the ’s Lands Hospital has that knowledge. The hospital administration is shocked, nevertheless. Despite staff members leaving, according to nursing director Suze Holband, they continue. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining quality control so that both staff and patients feel comfortable and safe in the hospital.

About nine employees, including nurses, left the ‘s Lands Hospital this year. That doesn’t imply that the job will stop, according to Holband. They will carry on, and they will keep giving society better services. She adds qualification by pointing out that there are also retirees and that deaths do occur.

Additionally, there are a number of explanations for the personnel departures, which are already higher than in past years. Many nurses have relocated abroad in order to be with their families or because they have received a job opportunity. However, there is a shortfall in the various departments as a result of the departure.

The hospital representative claimed that they are aware of how to react to that and that it seldom even stands out. Holband makes every effort to support the current staff members in their pursuit of higher education. As a result, a change may occur and fresh strength may be drawn.

The nursing director announced that they would keep hiring. She will calculate the balance at the end of the year and use that information to decide whether or not new hires are required.

Dayansankar Mathoera, the hospital’s director, stresses that the country’s general economic downturn, which affects all sectors, including the health sector, is more to blame for the personnel departures than their salaries. Mathoera expresses the hope that the wages can be raised with the new wage structure that is now under development. In addition, the government and the Central of National Service Organizations have agreements that control how the payments are paid (CLO).







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HomeEngelsStaff departs, but's Lands Hospital doesn't remain still