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Staatsolie N.V. and Supervisory Board Saramacca renovate Police Bureau in Boskamp

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After years of being closed, a start was recently made on the renovation of the police station in Boskamp, Saramacca.

At the request of the district commissioner of Saramacca Mrs. Sherin Bansi-Durga carried out in partnership between Staatsolie NV and the supervisory board. Staatsolie NV finances the materials, while the technical department of the supervisory board is responsible for the renovation work.

The District Commissioner indicated that with the renovation and the re-use of the office, a great wish of the community of Boskamp is being fulfilled. For the time being, the fishing village is completely dependent on the police station in Calcutta in the district for police matters.




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HomeEngelsStaatsolie N.V. and Supervisory Board Saramacca renovate Police Bureau in Boskamp