zondag 15 september 2024
27 C
9.3 C

SRD 950,000 in housing loans with a 7% interest rate

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Santokhi – Brunswijk: Falende ministers, falende communicati...

In het kabinet Santokhi- Brunswijk valt op dat zij en hun ministers falen, daarover zo oneerlijk zijn om geen verantwoordelijkheid te nemen, en in de aanval gaan met rechtszaken tegen  de pers die hun...

All banks will lend money up to SRD 950,000 at 7% interest to people who want to develop. The Surinamese Central Bank has also given their approval for this. At the National Assembly’s budget discussion on Monday night, President Chan Santokhi made this announcement.

In terms of financing and policy attention, the government will also place a priority on public health, safety, and education. Another one of the government’s policy aims is to hasten the social program’s implementation. The government meeting on Wednesday will include this on the agenda.

The government has given the nationwide release of policy announcements and decisions top priority for the years 2020–2022. This is in preparation for the National Housing Program’s implementation, which will begin in 2023.

400 hectares of land will be readied for building and housing for 4,600 residential solutions as part of the National Housing Programme’s first phase. This is accomplished through a public-private partnership model. The president claims that this was decided upon because there aren’t enough resources to pay for everything yourself. Government housing and self-construction based on a mortgage are being studied.





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HomeEngelsSRD 950,000 in housing loans with a 7% interest rate