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Speaking out against looting is the Wi Tru Sranan Foundation

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The Wi Tru Sranan Foundation envisions a united Surinamese society with universally shared principles and standards that promote everyone’s welfare, wealth, and personal growth. As part of our operations, we link societal persons and organizations in support of harmony, values, and standards. We think that our people and nation can advance via dialogue, communication, and education.

In light of this, we regret the incidents involving theft and property damage and urge everyone to choose and uphold moral standards that will bind us as Surinamese citizens to the common good of all Surinamese. We are conscious that it will take time, but we are confident that through conversation, communication, and education, our society will be able to agree on common values and assure that each and every person shares them.

As the foundation’s board, we have decided to uphold the core principles of the organization, which are Good Governance, Equality, Positivity, Respect, and Collaboration, in everything we do. What standards and ideals do we all want to see in our nation, and how do we want to coexist? We all have to accept responsibility for the decision we make.

As a Foundation, we are persuaded that the only way for our nation and people to advance is via dialogue, instruction, and communication.

Wi Tru Sranan Foundation

Dirk Currie







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HomeEngelsSpeaking out against looting is the Wi Tru Sranan Foundation