maandag 17 februari 2025
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“Society is being robbed,” said Gajadien

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Asiskumar Gajadien, the leader of the VHP party, says that The Central Bank of Suriname’s (CBvS) Open Market Operations (OMO) are used to plunder the population. In the National Assembly (DNA), during question time, he recently brought up this subject for the umpteenth time. “I request clear directions from the administration regarding where to go. According to Gajadien, society is being looted. “Policy failures of the monetary authorities are depriving society of its right to develop.”

The need to operate on the OMO has repeatedly been brought up in parliament, according to Gajadien. To put the appointments of the directors and governor of the CBvS on the operating table. “But the government continues to linger. Society is now burdened by the devaluation of its currency,” the party leader noted.

The VHP vice-chairman said that under pressure from, among others, parliament, the interest rates of the OMO had been reduced to 30%. It is now above 60% again. This under the watchful eye of the government and monetary authorities.” There is a lot of criticism of the OMO, which is used by the monetary authorities to skim off the surplus SRDs from society. The goal is to stabilize the price. However, the banks, among others, earn many millions in interest within a short period of time.

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HomeEngels"Society is being robbed," said Gajadien