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Sipaliwini guest houses being demolished

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Three contractors will begin finishing the guest houses in Guyaba, Poeketi, and Godo Olo in Sipaliwini in less than two weeks. The Ministry of Regional Development and Sports has committed SRD 13.9 million to this project (ROS). The contracts were signed last week by Marlon Cairo, the director of Stichting Fonds Ontwikkeling Binnenland (SFOB).

The project has 90 working days to be delivered. Cairo claims that although the work had previously begun in 2013, it has since been suspended due to a shortage of funding. When these guest homes are finished, it will be more pleasant for visitors from other regions of the country who come to these areas for various reasons to stay the night.

Todi NV, which is in charge of finishing and fixing the guest house Guyaba, is one of the three contractors who have an agreement with SFOB. The guest house for Godo Olo will be finished by Alvera NV, and the guest house for Poeketie will be finished by Baska NV.

In coordination with ROS, SFOB provides funding for and oversight of this project. According to the ROS press service, SFOB is a working division of the Ministry of ROS that deals with the sustainable development of the Interior.





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HomeEngelsSipaliwini guest houses being demolished