zondag 19 januari 2025
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Simons: Never before has what is occurring today occurred

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SLM zal in 2025 geen beroep meer kunnen doen op Grassalco vo...

De Surinaamse Luchtvaartmaatschappij (SLM) zal dit jaar niet langer kunnen rekenen op financiële steun van mijnbouwbedrijf Grassalco. Dit werd bevestigd door Wensley Rozenhout, CEO van Grassalco, die ...

The CLO’s protests against the government’s policy, led by Ronald Hooghart, are now in their second week. Some NDP leaders showed up again on Monday, and Jennifer Simons, the previous Assembly President, came to support the cause. While the criminal case from December 8 proceeds in Fort Zeelandia, the protest will recommence. “Those two things,” according to Hooghart, will be kept apart.

Simons observes that the current situation is unprecedented. She claimed that when times of food shortage struck, other governments—whether they were Bouterse or Venetiaan—always put together aid packages for the populace. But as poverty increases, it is clear that the government is constantly looking for new methods to take money out of our pockets. The poorest people don’t truly have access to a social safety net. Simons reported having heard that some individuals can receive a thousand SRDs, but they must first report to VHP. It is obvious that it is not a good thing if that is the case. She has reiterated the need for new methods of conducting politics.

Former vice president and assembly man Ashwin Adhin claims that the government is still doing “disgustingly awful” and is not making any significant debt payments. He draws attention to the fact that some people who wish to be heard must deal with reminders, notifications of default, or wage deductions. He exhorts them to keep trying. Adhin underlines, “The objective is that there will be a turnaround or den man mus’ gwe.” ( the government must go) “Give that entire bundle of lies some room. Take your bag and leave now!”

The protest march from Siva Square through the city center is being conducted as orderly as possible thanks to the police. The throng of protesters occasionally crossed directly through oncoming traffic and briefly occupied some junctions. Hooghart, a union president, is pleased: “I’ve been fighting for years. Always modest at first, it develops with time. When it reaches thousands, it is impossible to halt.” At 10 am, the demonstration resumes at Siva Square. The criminal trial that will proceed at Fort Zeelandia on December 8 will begin an hour sooner. Actually, we ought to head over there first, he says. However, let’s keep those two things apart, I say.





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