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Schools in Marowijne get gardens thanks to LVV

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In Suriname, school gardens play a significant role in enhancing food security and student health. The kids gain knowledge about climate adaptation and sustainable agriculture in this way. Due to this, three GLO schools in the Marowijne district, specifically H.A. Siregar, O.S. Wonoredjo, and O.S. Ricanaumofo, received school gardens on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

These school gardens are a part of a regional initiative that is supported by FAO and IICA and is funded by Mexico. The MEXICO-CARICOM-FAO INITIATIVE “Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean” is responsible for the “02 Resilient School Feeding Program” initiative. The aim is to provide school children in Suriname and other CARICOM countries with healthy and nutritious meals prepared from crops grown in their own school gardens.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) is the main implementer of the project in Suriname and is working together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture to realize the school gardens. The school gardens are equipped with organic plant material, hydroponic systems and raised beds.

The school children will take care of the school gardens themselves, under the supervision of their teachers and experts from the Ministry of LVV. They will learn how to grow, harvest and process different types of vegetables, fruits and herbs. They will also learn about the benefits of organic farming for the environment and their health.





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HomeEngelsSchools in Marowijne get gardens thanks to LVV