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Santokhi discusses old age pension gap with former Surinamese kingdom members

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President Chan Santokhi had a meeting on Wednesday with a delegation from The Umbrella Body Combating AOW Gap Surinam ex-Kingdom (HOOB) The delegation was led by the foundation chairman, Dennis Belfor.

The interview related to the AOW gap debacle of the former Surinamese fellow Kingdom members, who legally built up their statutory AOW rights in the Netherlands up to and including 24 November 1975 in the former part of the Kingdom of Suriname. The legal rights of the Surinamese target group was explained by the HOOB delegation.

The Surinamese population belonged to the entire population of the Kingdom of the Netherlands up to November 25th, 1975. Just like those in the Kingdom part of the Netherlands and those of the other (former Antillean) parts of the Kingdom.

Laurence Neede, chairman of HOOB Suriname, asked President Santokhi to enter into consultation with Prime Minister Mark Rutte concerning the issue that ex-kingdoms living in Suriname and those who have never received a state pension but are well entitled to it, and are also eligible for this. .







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HomeEngelsSantokhi discusses old age pension gap with former Surinamese kingdom members