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Sampie supports Brunswijk’s vision

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VES bekritiseert Brunswijk’s ontvangen van goud

De Vereniging van Economisten in Suriname (VES) heeft in haar elektronische publicatie INZICHT kritiek geuit op vicepresident Ronnie Brunswijk, die volgens hen een verkeerd voorbeeld geeft door goudho...

In an interview with the media, ABOP Assembly member Edgar Sampie stated that he wholeheartedly agreed with Vice President (VP) Ronnie Brunswijk’s viewpoints. Brunswijk lately made it clear that he is no longer silent and intends to give everything he has. He also stated that he will keep the public informed about the strain the ABOP is under from the ruling coalition.

Sampie claims to comprehend the vice president’s viewpoint. For this reason, he wrote a message on his Facebook page stating that he was prepared for combat. He emphasizes that, contrary to what some people have believed, his post is solely about his job as party chairman. The VP has brought up discussion points that have implications for the party. There are always issues with initiatives that result from a particular policy.

He thinks that the priorities being set by the administration are incorrect. Water and energy supply, as well as environmental projects, are not funded, while millions are spent on international business travel.

The envoy also notes that there is now a lack of medicine and flooding in the Sipaliwini district. He claims that because it appears that the government is establishing the incorrect priorities, this surely produces frustration.

There is evident resistance inside the coalition. It’s crucial to realize that this conduct is making things worse for the country rather than better. If the goal of this method was to reduce the ABOP, it would have been a failure.

Sampie supports giving young people more options because they are going through a particularly difficult time and are consequently more prone to other issues. Sampie emphasizes that the people are lagging behind because of our crab mindset.








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