maandag 2 december 2024
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Ryan Nannan appointed as professor

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On Wednesday the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) has appointed Nawin Ryan as professor. He accepted the professorship by speaking in the Sustainable energy technology address, the chair of the university board, Shanti Venetiaan, assigned the chair of Mechanical Engineering: sustainable energy technology to the new professor.

In the development of the in the teaching assignment Nannan briefly discussed the challenges within the Surinamese energy supply sector. If a balance is made, it can be stated that on the one hand, price volatility of fossil fuels, energy-security considerations and global energy transition, are a driving force for energy transition to sustainable energy sources and adapted technology. Nevertheless, on the other hand, the past decade has been the large-scale investment in fuel oil electricity generation. It is expected that the energy intensity will increase further due to developments in the offshore oil sector and its spin-off. All in all, there is an urgent need for energy technology research to be structured and intensified.

The teaching assignment includes an ensemble of technological research and education on CO2 emission mitigation. Nannan gave concrete form to the focus areas focused on, among other things, biomass, conversion systems, modeling and optimization thereof, and energy efficiency.

Nannan has been affiliated with the Faculty of Technological Sciences since 2011. He has functioned as senior lecturer, lector magnus, direction coordinator Mechanical Engineering and dean of the Faculty of Technological Sciences. He has also been a board member of CELOS and has written numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles, reports the AdeKUS Bureau Marketing & Communicatie.





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HomeEngelsRyan Nannan appointed as professor