President Chandrikapersad Santokhi paid a visit recently to Apoera. He presented an ambulance boat during his visit and inaugurated an ice cream factory and a Food basket. The announcement by the head of state that work had begun on the Nickerie route surprised the locals, according to the CDS.
The president of state spoke at length on the significance of the Nickerie route during a prior trip to Apoera in Kabalebo’s administrative resort. The importance of the road to society and the economy was then covered. Then, it was mandated that a finished plan be developed by the OW and LVV ministers no later than the first quarter of 2023.President Santokhi declared, “The road is coming! 60 km have already been cleaned. The route has been thoroughly cleaned and is prepared for sanding from Southdrain to Wakai.”
This week will see the opening of the tender for cleaning the final segment from Apoera to Wakai. According to President Santokhi, “Apoera wants to become a city, and the road is one way the administration is working towards the sustainable development in the area.”