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Residents of Goede Verwachting receive land Declaration

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The Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management in Suriname (GBB) has issued land documents to residents of Goede Verwachting (the Good Expectation). The inhabitants of this area, have finally received their declarations of readiness and allocation decisions after a long wait. There are 60 allocation decisions and 406 declarations of readiness. The ceremony took place recently.

District Commissioner of Paramaribo South West, Fulgence Javinde indicated that he is content with the fact that citizens who have waited longer than 30 years, finally have their ground papers in their hands. The mayor further encouraged interested parties to fulfill their obligations so that they can obtain title to land lease. The necessary matters must be arranged so that the documents do not expire.

Member of Parliament Edgar Sampi is pleased that the election promise of the Santokhi-Brunswijk government has been fulfilled. He also urged citizens to get their affairs in order. The intention is to solve the illegal act of occupying land and to offer the residents security.

According to Minister Dinotha Vorswijk of Land Policy and Forest Management, the intention is to deal with the other occupied areas, while negotiations are taking place with the rightful owners. However, the minister indicates that citizens should refrain from occupying land, because they will be prosecuted by the authorities.

Minister Vorswijk emphasizes that occupying other people land is punishable by law and will not be tolerated, therefore every citizen has the option to register online. The Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management is working hard to catch up with the backlog of land applications.

Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk said that every citizen is entitled to a piece of land, but that it is not the intention that citizens continue to occupy land. The acting president adds that citizens who have not yet been eligible for land papers should not give up because there will be a continued trajectory for Goede Verwachting (Good Expectation). The deforestation of the issued projects will start from On January 2023, so that stakeholders can access their plots to set up a home.






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HomeEngelsResidents of Goede Verwachting receive land Declaration