Ronnie Brunswijk, vice president and chair of the Abop, stated today, prior to the commencement of the Council of Ministers (RvM), that it is now time to reorganize the cabinet. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi had already attempted to reshuffle his cabinet, but Brunswijk had always blocked him. It’s time to rearrange the deck now. Some ministers have had much of opportunity to demonstrate. There needs to be a change in the Abop. Even if it means changing ministries or staying inside,” the vice president remarked.
He agrees that in previous reshuffling attempts he had said that none of the Abop will be replaced. “If you don’t have money to do your job, we can’t judge you. You can’t play football, when there is no football on the field. How are we going to rate you. After the approval of the 2023 budget, there has been a bit of loosening up in terms of resources. A few people could work. And then you see that you have to reshuffle a bit here and there,” Brunswijk said to journalists.