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Rejected was the NDP motion for SRD1,000 congestion groups

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The National Democratic Party (NDP) faction has requested in a motion that the General Old Age Pension (AOV) be increased by at least SRD 1,000 per month. With 12 votes in favor and 28 votes against, the motion was defeated.

The proposal also requests a top-up of at least SRD 1,000 from residents who only have AOV, including those who get pensions up to SRD 7,500. Additionally, it is requested that plans be prepared for the populations of low-income households, those with disabilities, and recipients of financial aid.

Soewarto Moestadja, a member of parliament, explained the motion (NDP). He attempted to persuade the college to assist the socially disadvantaged but was unsuccessful. Asis Gajadien, the leader of the VHP party, stated that the motion makes no mention of how such a cost will be covered. The administration has already said it will assist many different groups. This assistance is available to all groups. Gajadien claims that the government has provided adequate safeguards to support those who are socially disadvantaged.




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HomeEngelsRejected was the NDP motion for SRD1,000 congestion groups