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Ravaksur and the President discuss possible options

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On Friday in Suriname (Ravaksur), President Chan Santokhi met with the leaders of the Council of Trade Union Federations. The union leaders have presented the president with their issues and complaints as well as some recommendations. On Tuesday, Ravaksur and the administration will have a follow-up meeting. At a news conference, Ravaksur underlined that the people have finished the stretch.

Ravaksur suggests, among other things, creating a sub-ministry for the value-added tax (VAT). This is a result of how difficult it is to apply this law. The major goal of the trade union movement, according to Armand Zunder, spokesman for the Ravaksur, is to increase and restore the purchasing power of the working class. He suggests that it’s critical to increase the efficiency of tax collection from the gold industry and other export sectors. According to Zunder, a supporting policy should be pursued, and imports and the economy should be addressed in a more organized manner.

The spokesperson claims that “with the proper rise in allowances, the community would be able to cope with the measures made by the government.” Errol Snijders, the Mother Association’s chairman, says he is aware that the president cannot undo the actions performed. He does, however, go to professionals for advice and assistance. Snijders asserts that the Minister of Finance and Planning must act right away to maintain steady buying power and allow workers to continue to make ends meet.

According to the Suriname Communications Service, President Santokhi has made it clear that the administration is open to suggestions. The chief of state declared that “one thing is evident, and that is that the economy is horribly affected.” He asks Ravaksur to assist the government in implementing the social program, emphasizing its importance.

The ministries of natural resources, finance and planning, labor, employment & youth affairs, social affairs, and housing, as well as economic affairs, entrepreneurship, and technological innovation, were present at the conference. On Tuesday, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Animal Husbandry will also be present.








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