Amar Ramadhin, the health minister, appointed the new National Medicines Index committee on Friday. Els Dams will serve as its chair. The minister provided some financial summaries of pharmaceutical use and made the point that discussions with health insurers, physicians, and other stakeholders were necessary to standardize prescribing behavior. The signs point to excessive medication use among Surinamese consumers.
Society must obtain focused medical advice with a focus on whether to use particular medications. According to Public Health, attention should be paid to the regular use of drugs and other substances whose efficacy is in question. Ramadhin has presented this to the NGK committee and is eager to hear their recommendations.
The National Medications Index in Suriname, which is the first list of critical medications, was created in 1985. Since then, the NGK committee has continued to update that list. The NGK committee’s goal is to choose medications that address Suriname’s healthcare needs. After reviewing all pertinent publications on any request to change the NGK, candidates will be chosen based on the WHO’s The Essential Medical Concept. The committee is also tasked with maintaining the National Medications Index current in light of global trends and Suriname’s viability.