Amar Ramadhin, the minister of health, calls on people to clean up areas where the dengue mosquito can lay its eggs. In quiet, clear water, the mosquito lays its eggs. To keep a lot of people from getting sick, prevention is crucial. The number of dengue cases has increased over the past two weeks. The ministry is increasing awareness so that everyone may help stop the spread of the disease.
General practitioners are required to notify the Bureau of Public Health (BOG) of dengue cases. Every disease spread by a vector is like this. The minister claims that not everyone complies with the reporting requirement. Based on data that has been forwarded, it appears that more people have been treated with dengue by doctors in the last two weeks. That is why prevention is being stepped up, especially because there is also a Dengue outbreak in the region that is difficult to get under control.
‘Hot spots’ are tackled by the BOG on the basis of the data that comes in. Spraying is done in those neighborhoods to make the mosquito harmless. According to Ramadhin, it is important that everyone cleans their environment, so that the mosquito cannot lay eggs. It concerns buckets, flower pots, plates, cups, tires, paint cans where water can accumulate. This is especially the case during the rainy season.
Sleeping under a mosquito net and rubbing yourself with repellent are also important for the preventive effect. The minister asks general practitioners to report all dengue cases, so that effective action can be taken. If everyone does their part, this disease can be controlled. The ministry is busy making a prevention video to draw extra attention from society to help clean up breeding grounds.