dinsdag 21 januari 2025
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Public Works stimulates young civil engineering

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Engineering firms, architectural firms, surveyors and small construction and civil engineering entrepreneurs will henceforth be eligible to carry out medium and large-scale work for the Ministry of Public Works (OW).  OW minister Riad Nurmohamed also wants to attract graduates in civil engineering.

With the new decision that came into effect on 1 August this year, the ministry wants to gradually get rid of this type of work.  This concerns tasks and powers for carrying out and checking small and large construction and civil engineering works.  These include the construction of culverts, plot connections and the design of a simple residential house.  With the decision Nurmohamed wants to encourage young graduates to set up service companies that can perform similar activities for companies and individuals.

The ministry will soon offer the possibility to set up an NV with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry under certain rules and conditions.  The NVs can then register with the department and start carrying out activities.  Nurmohamed believes that in this way young civil engineering graduates will have the opportunity to better profile themselves in society



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HomeSurinamePublic Works stimulates young civil engineering