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Public Health attempting to find a structural answer to the medication scarcity

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Amar Ramadhin, the minister of health, claims that Suriname has an ample supply of pharmaceuticals. “We have spoken with the Medicines Supply Company Suriname (BGVS) about the acquisition of medication. A number of anesthesiologists have expressed concern about the lack of several medications. Due to the ministry’s cooperation with many nations, an overview was conducted and a solution was sought by quickly asking assistance. I can state that Guyana and Jamaica have now provided the resources that were required from the partnership,”the minister said.

It has to do with drugs. For this, there are specific facilities. At least twice over the past week, talks between the hospitals and the National Hospital Council (NZR) resulted in agreements. The point of contact is the BGVS. There have been national agreements made. A summary of the anesthetics needed each quarter was requested from the hospitals. To ensure that nobody finds themselves in similar predicament again, a meeting has also been scheduled with the anesthesiologists. It is not limited to medication used for anesthesia. The plan is to compile a top-15 list of the materials that hospitals absolutely must have.

When examining the prices of medications, one cannot avoid moving in principle to a model in which necessary resources must be obtained from the light-day rate. The reimbursement of resources is now included in the light-day rate. The hospitals are skilled at requesting supplies, according to Ramadhin.




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HomeEngelsPublic Health attempting to find a structural answer to the medication scarcity