On Monday, the president met with representatives from the Suriname Fire Brigade (KBS), Penitentiary Officers (KPA), and Security and Assistance Service Suriname (BBS) unions. There has been a lot of discussion about the government’s economic, social, and financial policies. The Surinamese Police Union’s absence was startling. According to Chairman Putini Atompai, the President’s Cabinet is in touch with his union, as reported by the media. Minister Kenneth Amoksi, who was also involved in the maintenance, continues to be a source of contention for the police union.
President Santokhi has urged the unions to back the administration in the President’s Office. Stop the hemorrhage and the price increase; collectively, we can achieve this. To assist in putting the policy into action, ideas and project proposals are required. Ruben Kensen, the acting police chief, was also present during the meeting.
The head of state has stated in maintenance that there is enough money available, but the government must perform its due diligence, according to Max Breinburg, chairman of the KPA Federation. He does point out that the corps lacks funds, transportation, and clothing as well as equipment. “This should be provided by the government. By claiming that there is no money, it cannot continue for very long,” argues Breinburg. He claims that the unions have received a lot of commitments. We anticipate at least those changes so that we security unions can live a bit more comfortably.
The KBA chief claims that the unions have been combined so they can speak with the government as a group. They can develop ideas this way that they can use to promote the government. One suggestion is to establish a safety academy, which would save money for the government. Breinburg asserts that “as trade unions, everything must be carried out with a certain speed and effectiveness.” We are eager to take action since there is so much money available, he continued.