vrijdag 17 januari 2025
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President Santokhi urges the public to treat each other equally

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“We have recently made an effort as the Surinamese government to work toward peace. We have made an effort to assist you in overcoming the difficulties you face every day out of love for all Surinamese.” In his Christmas message, President Chan Santokhi acknowledges that many people have had a difficult time recently, but adds, “We hope that you have also seen the bright spots.”

He continues by saying that in the upcoming year, the government will continue to assist the populace as much as it can. “We have prioritized the Surinamese people in all of our everyday operations and decisions.”

The president is urging people to treat one another equally, “just as Jesus wishes,” brothers and sisters, at this season of the year known as the period of peace.

President Santokhi agreed, saying, “We all came to earth in the same way, and we will depart it in the same way.” He wishes for a peaceful, loving, and united society that will all come together to enjoy Christmas. “Let us live together and dwell in love and peace, respecting and loving one another, as The Creator desires of us in these days and in the days to come.”

He exhorts people to be confident in society. “With Gado leki un fesi mang, it will be good with you and us lobi Sranan.” (under the guidance of God)








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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi urges the public to treat each other equally