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President Santokhi goes to Bahamas for CARICOM-US meeting

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CARICOM Heads of State and US Vice President Kamala Harris have been collaborating since 2022 to create projects that would maximize collaboration between the US and the Caribbean. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi stated, “In this regard, I am departing tonight for Nassau in the Bahamas, where I shall take part in a meeting with Vice President Harris at the invitation of the US. The Bahamas will be in charge of the CARICOM Presidency starting of January 2023.

The long-term relationship will primarily be covered during the meeting in the following areas: project funding, project financing, food security, energy security, security, and the effects of climate change. “I will also discuss policies regarding the agricultural sector, food security, economic affairs and financing of our development areas. I look forward to a successful continuation of the previous meetings we have had with the United States in this context,” said the president

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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi goes to Bahamas for CARICOM-US meeting