maandag 9 september 2024
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14.9 C

President Santokhi: Coronie will have a successful future

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Coronie has received a two-day working visit from President Chan Santokhi. On Saturday, district commissioner Maikel Winter unveiled the new welcome sign for the district ahead of the head of state’s arrival. The district should experience prosperity, according to President Santokhi.

The inauguration of the new welcome sign, according to the head of state, marks the beginning of a new era during which great things will be accomplished. This weekend, we’re going to do something to demonstrate that the district is a priority, just like all the other districts.

A greeting committee and the administrative division were also there to welcome the head of state, in addition to Winter. “After two years of planning, it is Coronie’s turn,” declares the president.

Santokhi reopened the Hub building in Coronie on Saturday, a place that helps the youth in Coronie to develop. With support from Capricorn Energy, a subsidiary of Total, Volkscredietbank, Telesur and Haathi Club Foundation, the President donated 40 desktop computers, six laptops, a 36,000 BTU air conditioner, 100 comfortable chairs, three office tables and two conference tables to the community of Coronie.

“I hope this will give the children the opportunity to learn more and perform better at school,” said President Santokhi.

President Santokhi also visited the children’s home “De Toekomst”. He donated a batch of food to this children’s home. Food has been donated for at least a month.







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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi: Coronie will have a successful future