woensdag 11 september 2024
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13.8 C

President Santokhi arrived in Ottawa Canadian 

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The first Canada-Caricom Summit was attended by President Chan Santokhi, who arrived in Ottawa on Sunday. October 17–19 are the designated dates for the summit.  

There will be discussion of a number of significant subjects during the Canada-Caricom Summit. The discussion will include topics including enhancing commerce and regional collaboration. According to the Communications Service Suriname, there will be four sessions during the summit where ideas will be shared about, among other things, constructing sustainable economies and climate resilience.



The discussions will focus in part on Canada’s involvement in building climate resilience through CARICOM Member States.  In the run-up to the United Nations COP28 Climate Summit in November/December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, these topics are extremely important for Suriname.


The head of state is supported on this mission by Minister Albert Ramdin of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation and Suriname’s Caricom Ambassador, Chairmè Konigferander.

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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi arrived in Ottawa Canadian